Last stop on the itinerary, Cape May NJ...It had been brutally hot from the start of this road trip and it finally cooled down. We enjoyed a perfect day on the beach and the Dolphins liked it too. They were popping out of the water all day.
These ponies and their foals were eye candy. I could have stayed and photographed them from dawn to dusk...Too bad I left my camera in the car and did not realize it til we boarded the boat to take us to see the swim. Amazing.
Patti and I reflected in the Vietnam Memorial...her husband served. The Lincoln Memorial and Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party at the Phillips...I love this painting.
Took a road trip with travel companion Patti at bottom...dressed just right to blend in as she took a peak at the scenery. That was in Harve de Grace. Second Stop DC WWII Memorial