Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Funday at the Lost River Caverns

It was a fascinating coincidence that occurred when I mentioned to Furman that I would like to go the Lost River Caverns, in Perkasie.  We had gone to bed with no Sunday destination in mind and when we woke up I picked the cave and he picked the Dam Good Café also in we were able to enjoy both.  After a delightful breakfast we got back on the road for the 20 minute ride to the Lost River Caverns.   It was a bit hokey upon first view, with one of those big painted wooden boards with people panning painted on it, only there were big holes for a visitors faces where the heads should have been. And there was an outside sluice that would only be appealing to children.  I did notice a trail off the parking lot but we did not wonder on it.  We went directly inside and entered into a small lobby.  Off the lobby were several museum cases with artifacts from time gone by and then you walked down a ramp to a gift shop.  Most of the stuff in the gift shop was trinket and souvenirs but there did appear to be a very adequate collection of jeweler's tools and equipment.  The entry to the cavern was just off the gift shop and once in the cave you could really feel the difference in the temperature.  All of the sudden things were cool much more interesting.  At 100 feet below ground and with a young informative guide to explain the mystery of the lost river and the formation of the stalactites and stalagmites, it turned into an educational experience for both young and old alike.


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