Have not photo blogged in a long while. As I find myself alone with dog for a long weekend, I also find myself here. Been looking for some inspiration and this morning I made my way to the corner garden and spent a few hours weeding....
With the last inch of the tired banana bread about to find itself in my trash, I decided to carefully slice off the heal and prepare it as I would French Toast. Only, I poured in heavy cream before I realized what I was doing. Oh well, moving on... I drenched the bread in the egg/cream mix and positioned it in the frying pan. With just a small amount of the mix left, I decided to pour it over the bread and watched wide eyed, as it spilled off the sides into the pan. With one careful flip, I dragged the frying egg mix under the bread and browned the second side. Seriously...doesn't that look good! Plated with a finishing touch of Maine Maple Syrup, I can assure you it didn't last long in residence on my plate. I might never go back to regular milk.